Calling all Rescuers & Need to be Heroes

Yesterday as I sat in my seat as "spiritual counselor", coaching another client on the road of life, I was struck by the urge to shake him and say, "Do you know how f*cking amazing you are? Why do you continue to settle for so much less than you deserve? Get over her and move on!" Doing the work I do as a healer and counselor, I see what I call "switches" inside each and every beautiful Soul, that have been turned off by pain and rejection. Switches that need to be turned back on for that person to be happy and productive in their life. Switches that say, "I am a miracle, I am a gift, I am enough, and I can!" So on this day, I wanted to run through the halls of his heart, flipping switches like a crazy warrior. Screaming, "Damn them all! You are amazing and worthy and lovable!" But, I didn't. Instead I sat, listened and reflected back what he needed to hear to flip a switch for himself. I loved him gently and passive...