Dream Big

I just completed this piece called, "Dream Big". My artwork has always been a reflection of what I most need to hear from my Soul in this moment to grow spiritually. This week I began listening to my Soul by painting a HUGE canvas I purchased from goodwill. It was covered with what looked like an Alien woman walking down the street in Paris by the Eiffel tower with a scary poodle and a hat that filled up half the painting- all done in blue, white and black. Probably one of the ugliest paintings I've seen. But a canvas that's 3ft x 3ft for $7.99- I couldn't pass that up! I was even a little embarrassed taking it up to the counter to pay for it. I kept getting raised eyebrows and a few snickers. I just kept smiling and said, "I'm rescuing it" to anyone who'd listen. Then over a process of many days and at least 7 layers of paint I stood back and thought- "My goodness there's so much going on here, I don't really know wh...