
Showing posts from January, 2018

Are you wishing for "NO DRAMA"

I was on a phone call with an old friend yesterday and she mentioned that she doesn't want any more "drama" in her life. DOES THAT SOUND FAMILIAR? Have you found yourself wishing for the same thing? saying the same words? I bet you've said it before........ but let me offer you another thought. When a client tells me they want "no more drama" in their life, what they are usually saying is that they want "no more conflict" or for things to be easy in their daily experience. Think about it- what are your really hoping for when you say, "no more drama"...... Are you saying, "I am tired of participating in these situations where there is difference of opinion" or perhaps, "I am tired of feeling the discomfort of things being in a state of change/chaos" Now sometimes, as we all have experienced, the drama is not our shit to deal with- it's somebody else's drama. And in those moments, we can ask ...