The Push to Grow
Recently I read an article entitled: A Universal Imperative- Grow or Die. It spoke about a truth- That all living things are either in a state of growing or dying. There is no middle ground. When we stop growing in our lives, pushing ourselves to try new things, to do something differently than we usually do it, a part of us begins to slowly die. At the same time within all of us there is a counter force- a desire for sameness, safety, and the familiar to give us comfort. I have found it a challenge to walk between these two flowing energies and to find a healthy balance. Growing too fast, aka- constant changes, is also not healthy for my spirit. Sitting around doing the same old same old for too long feels icky too. I recently worked with a Stage IV Cancer patient. We discussed this concept of growing or dying and I asked her how much of her life was built around creating safety and how much of her life was about taking risks and trying new things. I am sure you can guess...