Wear your Cape & Crown

I have a card that sits in my art room, that I purchased at Three Sister's Spirit which reads:
I'm fairly certain that given a Cape and a nice tiara, I could save the world
Now, aside from the literal translation- I love this card and it's truth because of what it reminds me about myself and my life.

My "Cape" is my faith of a divine plan for my life.  I carry it on my shoulders as a sense of responsibility to myself and to my fellow souls on this Earth.  I know in my heart I am here with a very clear purpose and that my life will flow and carry me in each moment towards expressing that purpose.  If I enjoy it or not, it's my choice.

I discovered my purpose in 2001 at my ministerial training retreat.  Our teacher had suggested that we go sit with God, alone, and listen to why we had been called to the ministry.  I admit I was afraid, not of hearing nothing, but of actually hearing something that felt too big, or heavy to take on.

It wasn't long before I heard that internal sweetness inside my soul, whispering to me of things I had forgotten.  "You are here to remind them they are LOVED UNCONDITIONALLY"  A simple simple statement- with a deep deep understanding attached to it.  Tears came easily as I felt that Grace touch my heart.  I knew, I remembered my purpose.

"How simple", I thought.  Geeze, that's it?  No going out and saving the world?  Feeding the hungry in 3rd world countries?  Nope, just remind them they are loved- completely and totally loved.

I cannot explain the excitement and peace I felt in this moment.  I knew not only that I could do this, but how I was to do it.  I knew that as a healer and counselor I was to show those who crossed my path how to release shame.  I was to wear a Crown, a knowing-ness of my own worth, my own perfection, in the eyes of God.  And wear it proudly so that others could feel safe in wearing their crowns around me and eventually feel safe in wearing their crowns into the world.

As Marianne Williamson says,

“Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.”


So, today, I invite you to wear your crown and put on your cape.  Stand in the truth that there is a plan for your life and that you are loved completely.  And as you suit up to face your day, be ready because you will, undoubtedly affect the life of another and help to make this world a better place.


  1. :) somehow I always stumble upon your wise words when I need them the most. Thank you!


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