Watch where you're going!

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”
- Lawrence J. Peter

I cannot tell you how many times my clients say "I don't know", when I ask the question, "what would give you joy in your life?" 

It is so important before you head in any direction in your life to know where you are headed- but most importantly why you want to go there.  We do so many things because we are "supposed to" do them and many times we don't stop and ask ourselves if what we are doing is really helping us accomplish what we want to accomplish- or even if it's necessary for our true happiness.

Such as: 
What do I want my marriage to feel like?
What do I want my job to give to me?
What really makes me want to get up everyday?

Just asking these questions and (most importantly) taking the time to answer them, can give you a direction, a focus for your energies.

Take the time, every single morning, to ask yourself- what do I want from this day?  

The day is your gift- it is given to you, for your own enjoyment- so dive into it and expect it to give you moments of joy :)  Do not waste a minute on not knowing who you choose to be or what you want out of your precious time!  Every moment holds the potential for joy- if you remember you are looking for it..... and you take yourself off autopilot and be fully present in the moment you are in. 

Sometimes I think God loves to play hide and seek with me.  He hides the beauty and I love finding it.  Sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's tucked deep beneath a mask- but it's always, always there.

If you find yourself caught up in busyness or the illusion of mundane- change it by simply focusing on what could give you pleasure in the moment you find yourself in.   If you are caught in traffic, look around you, find the beauty, the humor, the tenderness, look at the nature around you- I promise you it's somewhere waiting for you to find it- Offering you a smile, a sweet moment, a deep breath, peace and a "I'm glad I'm alive" moment.  

If you are doing the laundry, take a moment and smell the sweet scent of your loved one on the clothes you are about to wash, or feel the softness and notice the colors- the beauty is always there- always.

When you are cooking a meal and you just don't feel in the mood to cook another dinner- notice the colors, the smells of the food and the variety of textures.  Don't let the idea of "have to" rob you of what is there, offering you the gift of appreciation.  

There is just so much joy offering life around you, and the truth is, you need do nothing to see it and know it but be present to it.

So, know where you are headed and as you go there- ENJOY the journey.


  1. Love your blog and your definition of what it means to sparkle -- best definition ever! My word for the year is SPARKLE . . . looking forward to learning how to do it right! =D Sparkle On!

    1. Lola, Thank you!
      I look forward to feeling your Sparkle in 2012- I'm sure it will be perfectly and artistically you :)


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