
Showing posts from February, 2012

Sheep in Wolf's clothing....

Sheep in Wolf's Clothing I've been doing some deep clearing work on myself lately. I found a new technique for "deep cleaning" the auric field ( The Healing Codes ) and it's bringing up some interesting memories and images for me to explore.  For me it's been a spiritual, emotional and mental detox that then moves through the cellular detox of my body- so I'm feeling like I have a touch of the flu most evenings.  I recognize this as a healing response; a sign that things are getting cleared & It feels great to let it all go. This morning as I was in meditation and letting the images of forgiveness move through me, I heard the voice of my guide speak to me.  I've been working with a new Spirit Guide, since my longtime dear friend and guide Red Eagle introduced and "handed me off" to her. Her name is Anne (Annie to me) and today she presented me with this image/idea to contemplate.   "If you see someone behaving in a wa...

Facing your Inner Hecklers

Waldorf & Statler- The Muppet Show Hecklers Waldorf : These seats are awful.  Statler : Why? Can't you see anything?  Waldorf : That's the problem. I can see everything.  One of the great lessons, I believe, that Jim Henson taught me as a child is to face the hecklers in my life and to recognize they are a natural part of our every day audience. Never are we faced with 100% support by everyone we meet.   There are always going to be those who don't appreciate the performance you are giving the world.  And most likely, they'll let you know about it. And hardly ever do we meet change in our life without some part of us resisting it with nasty or fearful comments- trying to get us to stay right where we are, or to plain ol' just give up and get off the stage. Kermit the Frog, one of my gurus in life, never gave up.  The show must go on! He did however constantly deal with interruptions, complaints and the insecurities and big egos...

Is that a Light at the end of the tunnel?

I love my job.  What's not to love about encouraging others to love themselves, reminding them that God is within them and challenging them to give into their heart's desire? The truth is, in order to get someone to that understanding you have to walk with them through what's holding them back or hurting their heart so deeply they feel they cannot possibly heal.  And this, my friends, is challenging. It's challenging to hear about the loss of a sweet baby, to hear about someone going through a divorce, or someone who just lost their job and their husband in the same week- really challenging. But, I do it anyway.  Why?  Because I know without a doubt, things always get better and our deepest losses can guide us to our greatest joys.  I know because I've walked through my own losses and found God and myself in that pain- sometimes after digging through some knee deep sh*t for so long I was ready to quit.  But that light at the end of the tunnel always,...

Valentine's Day Giveaway Winners!!

Happy "I am LOVE" Day! The 3 Random winners of the Nurture 8x10 print are: 1.  Gail@........... 2.  amyryan@............ 3.  jmack@............ I will contact you for your mailing address.  Only partial emails were given to product identity. Please enjoy the print or pass it on to someone who will. XOXO

A Gift of LOVE for you...

In honor of the Month of LOVE, please receive this art collage I titled "Love's Gift". Just right click and save, then print and Enjoy!! May you remember that those we love need space to grow and expand their wings. May you celebrate their willingness to try new things and encourage their dreams. And may you remember that God in YOU is the greatest love of all.


Seems yesterday's blog brought up some interesting feelings for some of you.... and for those of you who shared I thank you :)  Some LOVED it and some were triggered by it.  So thank you for the emails/comments as It helps me to communicate more clearly and also to recognize the impact I can offer. So, I wanted to clarify (and I did add an addendum to yesterday's blog): I'm not saying it's "bad" to do the reading of books, attend groups, etc.- those things can and do offer us great joy.   What I'm saying is that to release the NEED for those things is so empowering and Peace bringing-  To have the PEACE within because you know what is best for you- and always will and you need no one else to make it true for you. Hope this clarifies for those of you who felt slightly wounded by the idea of being judged or imagined that I was judging those of you who do.  While I have had my share of judgmental moments in my life- this is not one of them.  How ca...

I am Home

January was a beautiful month for me.  I had decided to take a "social hiatus" from outside activities and social events for the whole month.  This meant no outings with friends, attending of classes, or hosting of events on my part- simply just doing my work and being with myself and my family in my down time.  What can I say?  It was absolutely wonderful..... and I want more of it, more of me. Because it was Feb. 2, and my month break was over, I invited a soul sister over to do collaging. We sat together cutting and pasting our soul collage cards, enjoying the connection and powerful images we were both drawn to.  It was so satisfying for me and....... peaceful. We talked, as women do, of all those we knew of and the classes and courses out there in the world of spirituality.  We talked about new books and new travels she was venturing into.  All of it perfect for her and fun to listen to for me.  But inside a feeling, a knowing was bre...